2018 Recap

2018 was a whirlwind of a year, and Light of a Thousand Stars has helped our community more than ever. Following is a list of just some of the initiatives we have worked on throughout the year.

Since its inception in 2015, Light of a Thousand Stars has been seeking to brighten the lives of women and children facing hardships in our local communities. We provide resources that promote self-esteem, develop professional skills and emphasizes core values. We believe everyone gets a chance to shine!

This year, we have continued our partnership with PS140 where we have provided help in many areas that were needed such as:

  • Bookbags filled with school supplies for over 100 families in need

  • Breakfast for Dads taking their children to school. This was a day promoting and advocating for Dad involvement

  • A trip to the U.N. and to Young Chefs Cooking Academy for over 100 students

  • Christmas presents for over 60 families

  • Pumpkins and a meal for over 200 families during the Thanksgiving season

  • A graduation party for the graduating seniors

  • A Read Aloud event where volunteers visited the school to read books to each class

We have once again teamed up with the Arms of Love Community Outreach. This year we provided additional backpacks and school supplies for their local community day. We also volunteered our time serving meals and handing out additional toys to over 100 families during the Holiday season.

We volunteered our time in the God’s Love We Deliver kitchen. It was a hard day of chopping, stirring and prepping but that day alone we were able to prepare meals for over 900 people with life threatening illnesses.

We donated to and/or volunteered with many charities, including Live out Loud, Good+ Foundation, Movember, and Susan B. Komen (Breast Cancer Awareness).

We were able to contribute close to $8,000 to Friends of Karen. We also had over 25 people participate in the annual race. This organization serves children who are terminally ill by providing resources for their families. They help with monthly bills, transportations, food etc. to ease the burden of the parents.

We have volunteered our time serving dinners at United Nations Church International for their annual “Haircuts and Harvest Day” where they gave free haircuts and food to the local community.

In addition, throughout the year we have collected and donated food, clothing, books, and other supplies to local charities, organizations, families, and shelters including (but not limited to):

  • Providing 10 families with Thanksgiving Turkeys and meals

  • Providing a displaced family of 6 with food, clothing, and baby essentials

  • Providing a local day care with a meal and over 200 sets of hats and gloves during this cold holiday season

  • Providing Christmas gifts to over 75 families in need in Los Angeles

I’d say we had a pretty successful year! Looking forward to all the great work we are planning in 2019. We are going to get bigger and better and reach more of our community in need.